Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sakura, Sakura...

The heart is such a mighty force, so powerfully loving and living. So strong it keeps beating no matter what, it carries on and keeps on. I have found that no matter the force of the storm that pummels it, even when the waves wash over it and carry it down to the depths, something always inevitably floats… Something rises up from within, joy and hope are renewed once more. What seemed impossible only a moment ago now feels possible, and yet I wonder where this super human strength arises from. What power and what splendor can attain such amazement? What power gives to that extent, that gives me wings to not only fly, but to soar… I am repeatedly rescued from what is now a small wave in the ocean of this world, and lifted to higher grounds where I am out of danger and peace once again fills my horizon. Up, and still up further, when will I stop… So this is what it is like to the birds of the air, just flying and soaring above it all, above the pain and the grief of this world until it no longer seems so big. I gain perspective and am renewed when I see things from my Father’s view, my HUGE situation becomes a tiny speck like an ant, in the grand scheme of it all, and I realize that no matter what happens, I always have hope, and I always have access to joy my almighty God supplies me with. He didn’t create me to be hurt, He created me for beauty, for His enjoyment. He lavishly surrounds me with beauty every day of my life. I see a cluster of daffodils and hear Him ask me gently if it got my attention. I see a sunset that takes my breath away, and He leans back in His chair, content and satisfied that I stopped to enjoy the work of His hands. Peace floods over me as I realize I am part of His beauty, He wanted me to see His joy through the pain that pummeled me so fiercely. I can’t help but wonder all that I have missed until this moment when I finally see the beauty He placed here before me. How many days did I walk numb to You Father? How many days did I tread the dust of this earth without shaking it from my sandals, lifting my eyes to my Creator and allowing His fingerprint to be placed upon my heart. Every time I glory in His creation His fingerprints are left all over my life, heart, and mind, and what I find in the crevices of those fingerprints is His joy.. I see things in a new way and can’t help but be overwhelmed by all of the beauty of this world as it literally is competing for my attention! I can’t hear anything but the pounding surf of the ocean as it resonates praise to my almighty God. Everything He made in creation, He made it to radiate His glory, and to constantly send praise to Him. And if I quiet my spirit just enough, I start to hear it. It is like a light drumming in the beginning, so very faint, it seems so very far away. But then I focus instead on the beauty in front of me, the cherry blossoms on the branch, how delicate and uniquely painted. Holding so much beauty in every petal, each one slightly different than the last. Angels must compete with their splendor. And to think my Creator fashioned them for me alone, each hand crafted, with Him hoping to catch my eye today as I pass by in such a flurry of activity and motion. Yet I stop to gaze at the blossoms in all their wonder, and am overcome with their simplicity that stirs deep down into my very soul. I hear a melody. I quiet my heart and mind and seek to find their meaning. The pink whiteness stands out and bids me to fall into it’s softness. In a world constantly in turmoil, there is great beauty in this moment, as such a simple act is performed by kneeling my spirit before my Creator and pressing my ear to His wondrous creation, I have momentarily echoed and seen a fragmented glimpse of His glory, and it is so very good!

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